Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Welcome Levi!!!

Levi finally arrived at 9:25 on Sunday morning. He weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and was 22 and 3/4 inches in length (Don't know where that came from). He is doing well as we figure out this new creation in our lives. Mom is recovering well after 28 hours in labor. He was born by C-section so we will not be released until at least Wednesday. Please enjoy the pics and we can't wait to show him off.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What we've learned

In an effort to culminate what we've learned in the ITS program, I tried to fit several instructional methods in to one lesson. The result is the webquest, linked below. If you have any suggestions for making it better, let me know.

Obsessive Compulsive Webquest

Sunday, March 18, 2007


I guess videos can also be used to expose the deficiencies in our education.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Public Service Announcement

I know this has nothing to do with blogs, but it's my blog so I'll do what I want. Anyway, check out our (Starlyn and me) PSA on alternative assessments. Also, check out our wiki site. Password: its07

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Raising a Narcissistic Society

Are teachers creating a society of narcissistic individuals? An interesting report came out about the narcissistic qualities of students and how they have changed over the last 14 years. You can read a report about the study here. To further this discussion, how has technology (blogs, myspace, chats, etc.) enabled students to become more narcissistic? If you think about it, we've given everyone in the world a platform. Traditionally, a platform to hear someone's views (on a large scale) had to be earned. Today, anyone with an internet connection can announce their opinions on anything (i.e. this blog). And before you say it doesn't matter because world publishing doesn't mean world reading, you're right, but a narcissistic person doesn't care if others read it. They do it for themselves and create the audience by reading themself. If you don't agree with me, too bad because I'm right and I know it. Hmmmm. . . .

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Is Blogging Catching On?

Well, the VSTE conference is taking place this weekend. While I will not be in attendance, I thought I would check out the available workshops. Interestingly enough, the issue of blogging will be addressed. If any of you are going to the conference, please give us a report when you return and share what's going on in the world of blogging.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Are Students Really Learning???????

In order for students to really learn, they must become involved and interested in the learning process. In order for students to become interested in the learning process, they must take interest in the subject matter. So far, this is a "no duh" thought. Here's my point, does blogging do that? Blogging is merely another form of communication, like lecturing, discussing, chat rooms, or discussion boards. There is nothing inherent to blogging that makes students want to learn. It may entertain them more while they are learning, but if they are blogging about a subject they care nothing about, they are not really learning. I was reflecting on the problems Starlyn was having with her students and their blogs when the thought struck me. So . . . why blog? What is our real purpose for blogging as educators? If it doesn't seem to promote real learning, why do it? (I may or may not believe the point I'm making, but it's worth discussing)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Paid Bloggers, Does It Hurt?

This is an interesting video about political candidates using blogs to influence voters. The commentators discuss the credibility of blogging as a result of this. My question is whether this type of thing could or will carry over into education. Will teachers begin receiving rewards for using or endorsing items or legislation that kids and parents will view?

Friday, February 9, 2007

Wiki Wiki Wiki

Before the last class, I really haven't had much experience with wikis. Truthfully, I've been like one of the people Richardson describes who is afraid of using wikis for fear of getting inaccurate information. I have even discouraged my students from using information directly from Wikipedia. I guess I never realized how big the wiki network is. Richardson's comment about wikis being edited every 2 to 3 seconds is amazing. I also wasn't aware of the expanse of information available, such as, recipes, vacations, even my favorite, buffalo wings. Rather than shrinking back from this technology, I should be throwing myself into it so I can make a well informed opinion on its use. I am attracted to the idea about having students review information for accuracy and connections. This provides a semi-safe environment for students to dialog with other interested in the same content. So thinking about teacher leadership, how do you get parents in on the movement? Parents see these tools in a very different light. Teachers may see wikis as a tool to be used to promote student collaboration and thinking, where parents see them as a place for vandals to run rampant and predators to prey on kids. How do you overcome this disparity? On a side note, what are the craziest pages found on Wikipedia (appropriate of course)?

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Let it Snow!

It's sad and wonderful at the same time. One inch of snow shuts down the nation's capital. It was a well needed break, for the kids of course. I realized this week how dependent a blog is on subject. For example, last week I blogged about my reactions to the book, but this week there was no reading. Henceforth, no blogging. As I reflect on this, it makes me think twice about using blogs with my students. I need to examine what I would use it for and make sure it is of a subject that would last for the year. Otherwise, it becomes a site of outdated posts that serve no purpose since there is no conversation. Just a random thought from a well rested man.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Warming up but . . .

So I'm beginning to become accustomed to this whole blog thing. I've been experiementing with a few templates available by the host, but I'm beginning to desire a more personalized blog. My frustration lies in the fact that I don't know how to write HTML for blogs and can't seem to find a guide to learn how to do it.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Chapter 3 - Weblogs: Get Started!

So my initial response to the title is, "Good, I'll learn how to best use blogs". Well, not quite. It is a good beginning though. I did notice some recurring themes in the chapters, start small and model for students. I think as teachers, we focus on these two things with more traditional assignments, but sometimes neglect to do them with technology. So now the important question, why? Is it because we feel students already now how to do something, or we don't know how to do something so we leave the trial and error up to the students? I think maybe a little of both. At any rate, Richardson makes a good point with starting small, especially his practical plan for first time users. I also noticed another topic that has now made it into the first three chapters; safety. I beginning to think that of all the technological tools out there, blogs may pose the greatest risk to the students. Why is this? What's the difference between this and discussion boards, chat rooms, or other used tools? Just thinking here, maybe it's the fact that blogs are used for a more personal nature. Your thoughts? So just how personal should school affiliated blogs be? Should parents be involved in the discussions? Would that shut down the kids? Apparently, I have more questions than answers after reading this chapter.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chapter 2 - Weblogs: Pedagogy and Practice

In the past, I have experimented with blogs but have never really dedicated myself to them. There are a few I have enjoyed reading, but none with which I have involved myself in discussion. After reading Richardson's exposition on weblogs, I understand why. I was looking at blogs to fulfill a purpose for which they are not designed. I've always viewed blogs as another information gathering point. I missed the boat. After seeing the uses highlighted in this chapter, it is evident that blogs are built for interaction. Now, that interaction can take on various forms, but that's the point I have missed in the past. Richardson likens them to conversations between the author and the readers. Simple, yet not simplistic. Just as a television interview or conversation with a group takes serious preparation, so does blogging. I did not realize how much forethought the author must have depending on how they want the conversation to go. The added benefit blogging has is that the conversation can be linked to resources via the Internet. Richardson does caution about what resources blogs are linked to (validity issues and the like). In terms of student use, they are already attracted to different forms of blogging through the use of myspace, facebook, xanga, and others. I think the big attractor for them is the freedom to express themselves and their ideas in the least restrictive environment. This thought could easily be harnessed and narrowed to fit within a topic related to academic courses. Student involvement in blogging promotes critical and analytical thinking, creativity, exposure to other perspectives and thought as well as information, and reflection (20). Richardson explains several different ways schools can use blogs. The form that strikes me most is using blogs as a class portal. It seems somewhat difficult in design, but using blogs to extend the class beyond the wall in terms of curriculum, management, assignments, assessment, and resources interests me. Simply posting these things is not that difficult, but using blogging as the medium peaks my curiosity. A second area I would be interested in further examining is using blogging for management and articulation. Richardson gives the context of using blogs to update websites for departments. When I think about the other teachers in my department, a sense of discouragement comes over me. For many of my colleagues, technology is not only the unknown, it is the unwanted; it is very much the, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", attitude. I would interested in trying this use of blogging, but getting my co-workers on board may not be so easy. In terms of pedagogy, the world pushes more and more towards globalization. Common sense says, if students are going to have to work in that environment, why not teach them that way. Richardson's views on blogging support that view. Well then, based on my experience, most teachers don't have common sense. Oops, did I just say that. That was an inside thought, ignore it. Maybe teachers in large part don't support it because they are ignorant of it. Again, this can be likened to my TV comment from my last post. Okay, so let me be transparent. I don't use a blog with my students. Why????? Well, aside from the few system restrictions placed on such use, I guess I've never seen good use of them to inspire me to want to use them. How sad is that? I have to see someone else's good use rather than create my own.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Chapter 1 - The Read/Write Web

As much as I love technology and using technology, I'm an immigrant user in a native user's world. In my eight years of teaching, I've seen many a student use the internet to do many different things. Doing them well, that's a different question. With today's students being raised on the Internet and similar technologies and today's teachers being mostly ignorant of these technologies, there has grown to be a digital divide. As a result, student's aptitudes for learning aren't being addressed by teacher's instructional strategies. To further complicate the issue, new technologies are being developed everyday. Will Richardson introduces several of the newest, most popular technologies, and their application to education. Nowadays, teachers need to be bloggers, wikis, and consumers of RSS feeders. What are these? Well, except for blogging, I don't exactly know. When I do, this will be the first place I announce it. Regardless of what they are, there is a common concern for all technologies, student safety. Of course, these concerns were present when Television his the educational scene. In a world of online predators, fishing, spam, and identity theft, students must be protected from these potential dangers. This responsibility falls primarily on the teacher using the technology. The best way to do this is debatable. So much so that many school systems avoid the debate by banning the use of such technological advances. I guess the question I want answered is, how do you do all this? Learning what something is is easy, learning how to best use it is much more complicated.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Finale

Well, it's official. I have begun the last semester of the ITS program. It felt good to be back in class, but it will also feel good to be finished so I can spend more time with my family and church. I wrestle with my time between teaching for school, teaching for church, and my coursework. This Spring I'll begin teaching systematic and practical theology to the high schoolers at church. It's going to be difficult to make the time to prepare for those lessons. I guess it's time to make some hard decisions. Fortunately, I have a wife who understands what I'm going through and is in the ministry with me. I'm looking forward to the new technologies in this semester but a little concerned about the workload with Levi coming in April. As much as I know I want to finish this program, I want to be a father even more. Enough mushy stuff, it's time to focus on the task at hand. That would be reflecting on the readings about blogs, wikis, and podcasts. Well, I don't have the books yet so I guess I'm done. That was easy. Okay, the blog is up and running. Where it's running to, I don't know.